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Daily Link Icon Dienstag, den 28. Juni 2005
Datenbanken und die Schlange

Python Icon, Photo: Gabriele Kantel ZODB vs. pysqlite with SQLObject: »Kevin Dangoor compares ZODB and sqlite, the only two good options he has found for an embedded, transactional database that can be conveniently used in a non-free Python application.« [Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs)]

Posted by Jörg Kantel | Permalink | | | Python


Daily Link Icon Freitag, den 24. Juni 2005
Schlangenfraß: Klassische Algorithmen

Cooking with Python, Part 2: »Recipes from part one of this two-part series of excerpts from Python Cookbook, 2nd Edition covered how to handle international text with Unicode and how to select elements from an unsorted sequence. In today's recipes, learn how to implement a ring buffer and how to compute prime numbers.« Auch ausdrucken! [Meerkat: An Open Wire Service:]

Posted by Jörg Kantel | Permalink | | | Python

Daily Link Icon Donnerstag, den 23. Juni 2005
Zeichnen mit der Schlange

aggdraw 1.1b1 » a high-quality drawing library for the Python Imaging Library, based on Maxim Shemanarev's Anti-Grain Geometry library.« [Daily Python-URL! (from the Secret Labs)]

Notiz an mich: Das darunterliegende Widget Construction Kit unbedingt einmal testen!

Posted by Jörg Kantel | Permalink | | | Python

Daily Link Icon Mittwoch, den 22. Juni 2005
Datenbank-Frontend mit Python

Rekall (GPL) stellt eine grafische Schnittstelle für SQL-Datenbanken zur Verfügung. Mit Hilfe von Python können Aufgaben automatisiert werden. Notiz an mich: Testen! []

Posted by Jörg Kantel | Permalink | | | Python

Daily Link Icon Freitag, den 17. Juni 2005
Schlangenfraß: Python-Kochbuch

Python Cookbook Book Cover Freitag ist O'Reilly-Tag im Schockwellenreiter Grins: Cooking with Python, Part 1: »In these sample recipes from Python Cookbook, Second Edition, learn how to use Unicode to handle international text strings that include non-ASCII characters, and how to select the nth smallest element of a sequence. Check back here next week for two more recipes on implementing a ring buffer and computing prime numbers.« Unbedingt ausdrucken! [Meerkat: An Open Wire Service:]

[Related Reading]: Python Cookbook, Second Edition, Chapter Time and Money (PDF Icon, 452 KB).

Posted by Jörg Kantel | Permalink | | | Python

Daily Link Icon Freitag, den 3. Juni 2005

Python in a Nutshell Book Cover Jeremy Jones über Python Standard Logging: »Tracking down what your application does seems easy; just add a few print statements here and there. Unfortunately, effectively tracing a program is more difficult. That's where Python's standard logging module comes in. Jeremy Jones demonstrates how to make it work for you.« Auch ausdrucken! [Meerkat: An Open Wire Service:]

Posted by Jörg Kantel | Permalink | | | Python
